Turnaround Services
More than half of the 5,000 plus surgery centers just break even or lose money.
CSC has a 15 year track record of success across multiple specialties and markets. We can take a center with poor or marginal results and turn it into a financial success. There is never just one simple difference between a successful ASC and one that is losing money. There are often dozens of differences, many of which seem insignificant, but when you add them up, it becomes hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.
Some of the key differences are:
Volume – Underperforming centers know they need to increase volume but lack the ability to do it. CSC is able to bring providers together for the common benefit of their patients and investment, despite historical competitive and personal differences. New physician partners are more likely to join an existing surgery center that is managed by a third party.
Payer Contracts – A center can be doing everything else right but will never see the proper financial results due to poor payer contracting. CSC has an experienced finance team that is armed with contracting models, market knowledge, and a proven strategy to optimize contracts.
Vendor Contracts – Optimal vendor pricing is a function of volume and the ability to leverage the volume into savings. If an underperforming ASC has the leverage of a few thousand cases annually they are not going to get the best pricing from vendors they want to use. CSC can turn the leverage of a few thousand cases into the leverage of more than 75,000 cases.
Operational Efficiency – underperforming centers are typically overstaffed. Generally this extra staff does not increase the overall efficiency or turnaround time. Other areas that affect efficiency are scheduling, anesthesia, equipment and instrumentation and clinical management/leadership.
If your facility does not have the clinical outcomes, operational efficiency or financial returns of a CSC managed facility please contact us for a confidential assessment.